
Luxembourg’s asylum legislation provides for an unaccompanied minor seeking for asylum to be appointed a guardian as soon as possible. Furthermore, an unaccompanied minor that is allowed entry into the country is appointed an ad hoc legal representative (adminstrateur ad hoc) as soon as possible as well. The representative assists the minor in all administrative and judicial proceedings related to the minor’s stay in the airport waiting zone (zone d’attente).

Upon arrival of an unaccompanied minor to Luxembourg either the Police Criminal Investigative Division or the Ministry of the Family and Integration informs either Caritas or the Red Cross. Caritas provides guardianship for unaccompanied minors above the age of sixteen years old. The Red Cross provides guardianship for unaccompanied minors below the age of sixteen. Both organizations also provide accommodation for unaccompanied minors.

Advise for guardians
Guardians in another EU Member State who assist an unaccompanied minor with relatives or family members in Luxembourg are advised to contact Caritas or/and the Red Cross as both have expertise in the field of unaccompanied minors in Luxembourg.


Luxembourgish Red Cross – headquarters
44 Boulevard Joseph II
L-1840 Luxembourg
B.P. 404 – L-2014 Luxembourg
Tel: 00352.2755.2000
Fax: 00352.2755.2001

Caritas Luxembourg
29, Rue Michel Welter L
2730 Luxembourg
Tel: 00352.402131