
All minors who arrive in the Czech Republic without parents or legal guardian are considered to be unaccompanied minors. Upon arrival in the country, an unaccompanied minor will first be received by the police. The police informs the Ministry of Interior about the arrival. The Ministry then has the first interview with the unaccompanied minor. After that a social worker from the Municipal Office in Prague 6 (Social-Legal protection of the Child Department) will transfer the minor to a facility for children/foreigners in Prague.

Guardianship is organized centrally at one NGO called “Organizace Pro Pomoc Uprchlíkúm” (OPU) based in Prague.

A guardian in another European Member State who assists an unaccompanied minor with a relative or family member in the Czech Republic is advised to contact OPU. The orgization has an employee who acts as guardian and can advise on how to further deal with a case.


Kovárska 4
Prague 9, 19000
Tel: 0042.284.683714
Fax: 0042.233.371258

Municipal District of Prague 6
Cs. Armády 23, Prague 6
Postal Code 16052
Tel: 0042.220.189111
Fax: 0042.220.189111

Information about the accommodation for unaccompanied minors in Czech Republic: